Payments and Documentation (2019-2020)

The Master’s Degree in Personalism costs € 2,500//$2,900 and is entirely online.

Reserve your place through the following procedure:

1. Send a photocopy of your passport to the email listed below.

2. Send a copy of your university degree and transcript to the email listed below.

3. Pay € 400 / $450 for reservation, specifying «Reservation for the Master in Personalism”. The amount of the reservation will be deducted from the total cost of € 2,500/$2,900.

4. Fill in the registration form of the UDIMA: Registration Form

5. Send all documentation to [email protected]

Reservations prior to June 15 will receive a discount of 10% on the total of the master.

If the enrollment is formalized through a single payment of the entire amount, an additional 5% will be deducted from the total of the master’s degree. 

Payment may also be made through 5 monthly payments from October to February.

Methods of payment:

1. By bank transfer: Holder: Spanish Association of Personalism ES72 2038 1154 77 6001027848BIC (Bank Identifier Code) of Bankia. CAHMESMMXXX Branch address: C / General Yagüe 10º, 28020 Madrid.

2. Paypal. Students should send proof of payments to [email protected]

For questions related to the academic content and the operation of the master’s degree, contact Raquel Vera at [email protected]

To obtain your Academic Certificate and Master’s Degree from UDIMA, you must send a request to the following link at UDIMA:

• The cost for the Certificate and Master’s Degree is € 25 ordinary, postal shipping including Spain and abroad.