Acercamiento al concepto de naturaleza humana en Juan Manuel Burgos |
An approach to the concept of human nature in Juan Manuel Burgos |
Autor: | Elías Bermeo Antury |
Resumen: |
Este artículo es un acercamiento al concepto de naturaleza humana en Juan Manuel Burgos, quien analiza tres posturas que esta?n en conflicto: el naturalismo, el culturalismo y el modernismo; profundizando en la tradición clásico-tomista, dividida entre el tomismo y el personalismo. De este modo se analiza el concepto metafísico de naturaleza humana presentado por el tomismo y las críticas que surgen por el pensamiento culturalista. |
Abstract: |
This paper is an approach to the concept of human nature in Juan Manuel Burgos, who analyzes three conflicting theses: naturalism, culturalism and modernism, deepening the classical Thomism divided into Thomism and Personalism. Thus, he analyzes the metaphysical concept of human nature established by Thomism and the critiques made by the culturalist thought. Nevertheless, the author not only describes the conflict be- tween classical tradition and culturalism but also proposes a new understanding of the category of human nature from Personalism, releasing it from the Greek burden and makes contributions to the development of an anthropology focused on the person and his humanity. |
Palabras clave: |
Naturaleza humana, tradición clásica-tomista, culturalismo, personalismo, humanidad.
Human nature, classical thomism tradition, Culturalism, Personalism, Humanity. |
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