
Persona y Metafísica en María Zambrano

Person and methaphisics in María Zambrano



Autor: Juana Sánchez-Gey Venegas


Expondremos las últimas obras de María Zambrano centrándonos en su idea de persona. Veremos que se interesa por explicar el alma humana, el mundo y el absoluto, mediante una filosofía sapiencial y desveladora del ser en sus manifestaciones.


We will present the later works by María Zambrano, discussing mainly her idea of person. We will see her interest to explain the human soul, the world and the absolute, by means of a sapiential philosophy, which uncovers the being in its manifestations.

Palabras clave:

filosofía sapiencial, persona, alma humana, mundo, absoluto

sapiential philosophy person, human soul, world, absolute.

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